Workflows is an free open source package to help you to automate your Laravel application.

The Workflow package is available on Github now :)

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Short Video Introduction

How the workflows work



A Workflow is the Container of Triggers and Tasks. You can Create Workflows with Drag & Drop.



A Trigger is the entrypoint for an Workflow. The Trigger is responsible of Starting the Workflow and passing the Model.



A Task is part of the Workflow and Execute the Code of the Task in context of the Workflow.



Every Workflow execution gets logged. This way you get all needed infomation about every run of a Workflow.


Data Bus

The Data Bus passes Data from one Task to another. This way you can save and Change Data along the Workflow



All Triggers and Tasks can have Conditions. Conditions can stop the execution of the Workflow.

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A practical Example

In this step we want to send a welcome Email to a new registered User.

Observer Trigger

The Obsever Trigger is added to the User Model
use the42coders\Workflows\Triggers\WorkflowObservable;

class User extends Authenticatable
    use WorkflowObservable;
The Trigger is set to Listen for the User Model and the created event.

Html Input Task

In the Input Task we define the Text for the Welcome Email. We can use Placeholders to get Values from the Model in this case the User.

Send Mail Task

Now we want to send the Mail. We write the Subject and the From Email address as Text. The to Email address we take from the User Model. For the Content of the Email we get it from the DataBus (The output from the Html Input).

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Observer Trigger

Can listen to events from Eloquent Models. If the event gets triggered the Workflow starts and get the triggering Model passed.

Scheduled Trigger

Can get executed to a specified absolute Time, to a relative Time or recurring (every minute, every day, every month ...)

Button Trigger

Can render a Button passes the specified Model to the Workflow.

More to come ...


Html Input

Contains a Trix Texteditor which can handle Placeholders.


Takes an Input and converts it to a PDF.


Can run Commands on the commandline. Returns the command output.

Http Status

Is calling a url and return the status code.

Preg Replace

Is searching and replacing on a string. Returns the string with the changes.

Save File

Saves Content to a specified File.

Send Mail

Is sending a Mail. the from, to, subject and content can be specified. Also files can be attached.

Web Scrapper

Is curling a url and return extracted Information.

More to come ...

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